Prevention and Screening
Dr. Kristina Butler discusses health disparities in cancers of the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vulva and vagina and makes recommendations for prevention.
After undergoing genetic screening as part of a research study, Tammy LeDoux learned she had Lynch syndrome, which put her at high risk of cancer.
Dr. Dawn Mussallem, a Mayo Clinic lifestyle medicine expert, says consuming soy products in moderation can be beneficial.
Dr. Erica Berven discusses HPV infection, its connection to cancer and tips for preventing both with the HPV vaccine.
Dr. Jon Ebbert discusses the link between cancer risk and excess body weight, alcohol and tobacco and the steps to reduce your risk.
Dr. Jesse Bracamonte discusses the importance of cancer screenings as well as preventive screenings for diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Caroline Clune explains how breast cancer risk is assessed and discusses the medications available to help reduce that risk.
Mayo Clinic research could lead to a screening test for endometrial cancer that analyzes vaginal fluid collected with a tampon.
Dr. Dawn Mussallem, an integrative health specialist, explains the connection between ultraprocessed food and cancer.
Dr. Rick Bold, site deputy director for Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center in Arizona, discusses breaking down barriers that stand in the way of cancer care.