
After a history-making larynx transplant at Mayo Clinic, Marty Kedian is back home in the Boston area and drawing attention with his gift for gab.

Marty Kedian successfully underwent a groundbreaking surgery at Mayo Clinic that restored his voice and his ability to swallow and breathe on his own.

Dr. Krista Goulding discusses a group of rare cancers called sarcomas, including symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment.

Kirk honored his experience with sarcoma and his care team with a series of tattoos that continue to spark conversations.

After being diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, Evelyn Owens and her family traveled to Mayo Clinic in Arizona for proton beam therapy.

The dye reveals any lack of blood flow, indicating a potential problem with tissue, which surgeons can then remove.

Learn about three rare types of cancer that affect children: retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma and Wilms tumor.

One family's experience with rare cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, and their treatment journey at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

The story of Alison O'Neill's diagnosis of angiosarcoma, a rare cancer of the blood vessels, and her road to recovery with the help of regenerative medicine.

Dr. Wendy Allen-Rhoades discusses pediatric sarcomas and the importance of funding research and supporting families dealing with pediatric cancer.