Prevention and Screening
Learn about lung cancer risk factors and what you can do to reduce your risk of developing the disease.
Dr. Aryan Shiari explains how smoking marijuana can affect lung health and the risk of developing lung cancer.
Dr. Sandhya Pruthi explains why Black women should start screening for breast cancer earlier than age 40.
Dr. Carlos Vargas, a Mayo Clinic radiation oncologist, explains why preventive breast cancer screening is vital to saving lives.
Dr. Johanna Chan explains how screening can help prevent colorectal cancer and discusses alternatives to colonoscopy.
Dr. Dawn Mussallem explains what's included in a plant-based diet and how eating more fiber can help cancer survivors.
Dr. Melanie Dixon counters top sunscreen myths with facts everyone should know to reduce skin cancer risk.
Dr. Kim Barbel Johnson explains why the HPV vaccine should be part of a routine vaccination schedule for all children.
Dr. Naiara Sbroggio Barbosa explains that people of all skin colors are at risk of skin cancer and recommends precautions to protect skin.
Dr. June Chae explains what lung nodules are and why it's important to have them evaluated to rule out lung cancer.