Prevention and Screening
Urologist and oncologist Dr. Timothy Lyon explains what men should know about testicular cancer.
Radiation oncologist Dr. Carlos Vargas discusses prostate cancer screening and treatment.
Thoracic surgeon Dr. Stephen Cassivi explains how lung cancer screening programs can save lives.
Dr. J. Taylor Hays, director of Mayo Clinic's Nicotine Dependence Center, explains why menthol-flavored cigarettes cause concern.
Read this Q&A from Dr. Ajay Singh to learn why regular screening to identify and remove colon polyps is so important.
Dr. Daniela Stan explains how survivors of breast cancer can ease treatment side effects and prioritize wellness.
Mayo Clinic researchers are working to develop personalized therapeutic cancer vaccines that could potentially target each person's distinctive tumor characteristics.
Breast cancer survivors Rae Reekie and Amy White share advice for people whose lives have been affected by cancer.
Gastroenterologist Dr. Sumera Ilyas discusses liver cancer diagnosis and treatment options, and the importance of prevention.
Physician assistant Casey Swanson answers the most common questions she hears from people about genetic testing for ovarian cancer.