Colorectal Cancer

Artificial intelligence reduced by twofold the rate at which precancerous polyps were missed in colorectal cancer screening, reports Mayo-led research team.

Here's what everyone should know about the rise of colorectal cancer diagnoses in younger people.

During Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in March, learn and share the latest colorectal cancer screening guidance.

Dr. Sean Cleary explains how advances in treatment have improved the outlook for patients whose colorectal cancer has metastasized to the liver.

Researchers have learned you don't need a family history of colorectal cancer to have a genetic mutation that predisposes you to the disease.

A Mayo Clinic study bolsters evidence that colorectal cancer is often imprinted in family genes and passed on from one generation to the next.

The density of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes when combined with an analysis of tumor budding may serve as a method to more accurately predict survival in patients[...]

According to new research from Mayo Clinic, colorectal cancer outcomes may improve by genetically altering an immune-regulatory protein in cancer cells, making the cells more[...]