
Short-course hypofractionated proton beam therapy incorporating advanced imaging may improve overall survival over standard radiation therapy in people over 65 with grade 4 malignant glioblastoma.

Study results show a new surgical platform enables real-time diagnoses and tailored surgical treatment in the operating room.

Dr. Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa discusses glioblastoma, a type of aggressive brain tumor, and the role of research in advancing treatment.

Drs. Terry Burns and Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa discuss brain tumors called gliomas and the hope being offered by new technology and clinical trials.

Researchers found invasive margins of these brain tumors contain biologically distinct alterations that point to aggressive behavior and recurrence.

After surviving two emergency surgeries to remove a life-threatening brain tumor, Mike Knudson is determined to live a life full of adventure.

Neuro-oncologist Dr. Wendy Sherman gives an overview of meningioma, glioblastoma and secondary brain tumors.

Researchers used a new immunotherapy technique that combines chimeric antigen receptor-T cell therapy, or CAR-T cell therapy, with a cancer-killing virus to more effectively target and treat solid cancer tumors in mouse models.

Almost overnight Jeremy Paterno became one of the 240,000 people worldwide diagnosed with glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive type of brain cancer.

Despite improvements in median and short-term survival rates in glioblastoma, the percentage of patients achieving five-year survival remains low, according to new Mayo Clinic research.[...]