bone marrow transplant
Scott Brandes learned he had acute leukemia when his wife was pregnant. The hope of meeting the baby and supportive colleagues sustained him through treatment.
Dr. Joselle Cook discusses how multiple myeloma evolves, its treatment and research into screening methods.
Mayo Clinic's Advanced Care at Home program helped David Elder recover at home from a bone marrow transplant to treat his multiple myeloma.
With the help of specialized genetic testing at Mayo Clinic, Shannon Camlek was finally able to achieve remission of acute myeloid leukemia.
Veronica Ciudad-Real shares her experience with multiple myeloma treatment as an international patient at Mayo Clinic.
Ann Arneson, diagnosed with multiple myeloma, is Mayo Clinic’s first bone marrow transplant patient to recover at home thanks to the new advanced care at home program.
Mom of five Felicia Curtis knew she had to fight when she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in 2017, when she was 20 weeks pregnant with her youngest child.