Diagnosis and Treatment
Dr. Kellie Mathis explains how colon cancer is treated and when the treatment plan might include intraoperative radiation therapy.
Dr. Anna Jones explains how donating blood can help people living with cancer.
Hepatic artery infusion pump chemotherapy shrinks liver tumors, giving more people a chance for surgery.
Dr. Eric Dozois explains surgical treatment options for rectal cancer, which occurs in the last several inches of the large intestine.
After learning that her melanoma had returned, 42-year-old Christina Armendariz sought care at Mayo Clinic and is now cancer-free.
Usually diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 45, testicular cancer is the most common solid tumor cancer diagnosed in young men.
Even those whose kidney cancer is diagnosed at later stages now have more treatment options, explains Dr. Thai Ho.
De-escalated adjuvant radiation therapy kills throat cancer cells while improving quality of life.
The story of 39-year-old Stacy Weisensel's diagnosis of stomach cancer and her treatment journey at Mayo Clinic.
Patients could receive breast-conserving therapy, a lumpectomy followed by whole-breast radiation therapy, rather than mastectomy.