Breast Cancer

Dr. Bongi Rudder explains how to conduct a breast self-exam and how to determine if a lump or other breast change should be evaluated.

After a bilateral mastectomy, Kathleen Stewart opts for a new procedure to form breast mounds rather than immediate breast reconstruction.

Dr. Roberto Leon Ferre defines triple-negative breast cancer, explains its treatment, and suggests questions to ask your care team.

Dr. Stephanie Faubion explains the importance of screening for breast cancer in menopause and working to reduce breast cancer risks.

Minnesota sisters discover they have a shared genetic mutation that dramatically increases their risk for breast and ovarian cancer.

Learn about four of the most common options for breast cancer screening and which might be best for you.

Associated with relapse-free survival, the genes may play a role in triggering inflammation to initiate an immune system response.

Mayo Clinic research has filled critical gaps in the understanding of how breast cancer genes predispose women to the disease.

Dr. Lida Mina says treatment for metastatic breast cancer has advanced, allowing people to live longer with a better quality of life.

Dr. Sandhya Pruthi explains why Black women should start screening for breast cancer earlier than age 40.